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Public Policy For The People

Nada sobre nosotros sin nosotros: Un resumen de la sesión legislativa de Georgia de 2024

  Ryan ShindlerEl equipo de políticas públicas del Consejo de Georgia sobre Discapacidades de Desarrollo (GCDD, por sus siglas inglés) ha realizado esfuerzos incansables para fomentar nuevas relaciones y educar a los legisladores sobre la necesidad de un cambio de políticas que promuevan oportunidades para que los georgianos con discapacidades de desarrollo (DD, por sus siglas inglés) vivan, aprendan, trabajen, jueguen y culto en sus comunidades, y está mostrando resultados. Este año, GCDD organizó tres Días de Abogacía. Los Días de Defensa Alientan a las personas de la comunidad int...

Nothing About Us Without Us: A Recap of Georgia’s 2024 Legislative Session

The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities’ (GCDD) public policy team has made tireless efforts to foster new relationships and educate legislators on the need for policy change that promotes opportunities for Georgians with developmental disabilities (DD) to live, learn, work, play, and worship in their communities – and it’s showing results. This year, GCDD hosted three Advocacy Days. Advocacy Days encourage individuals from the intellectual (ID) or developmental disabilities (DD) community throughout Georgia to use their voices to advocate for their needs by coming to the state C...

Políticas Públicas para el Pueblo

Charlotte Densmore, GCDD Public Policy Director¡Hola! Mi nombre es Charlotte Densmore. Me uní al Consejo de Georgia sobre Discapacidades de Desarrollo (GCDD, por sus siglas en inglés) como Directora de Políticas Públicas en agosto de 2023. Mi participación en la defensa de las personas con discapacidad se originó a partir de mi trabajo como mentor en el programa EXCEL (Expansión de Oportunidades de Carrera, Educación y Liderazgo) en el Instituto de Tecnología de Georgia. Casi parece una casualidad que ahora pueda combinar mis experiencias personales y académicas en mi trabajo en GCDD. La p...

Public Policy for the People: A Recap of Georgia’s 2023 Legislative Session

With approximately 25% of the representatives being new legislators during this session, a significant portion of the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) public policy work focused on making new relationships and educating new legislators on the need for policy change that promotes opportunities for Georgians with developmental disabilities to live, learn, work, play, and worship in their communities. As seen in previous legislative sessions, GCDD’s Advocacy Days was an integral program allowing individuals from the ID/DD community throughout Georgia to use their voices t...

Public Policy for The People: The Next Legislative Session is Almost Here!

Charlie Miller, GCDD Legislative Advocacy DirectorHello Advocates! How in the world are you doing? My name is Charlie Miller and I am the Legislative Advocacy Director for the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD). We are excited to bring you this edition of Public Policy for the People. Fall is in the air, the leaves are changing, holidays are right around the corner and my favorite time of the year is almost here. That's right, the legislative session! From the second week of January to mid-March or later in the spring, Georgia State legislators come together at the state...
