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Making a Difference Magazine

Welcome to the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities' (GCDD) quarterly online magazine called Making a Difference. GCDD uses Making a Difference to educate and inform about critical issues affecting people with developmental disabilities (DD), often including the voice of people with DD included in the articles. The aim is to promote activities and create opportunities for people with DD to exercise their right to live, learn, work, play and worship in Georgia communities.

Experience the magazine in many ways!

Read. The articles that tell the story of the people we serve are there for your reading pleasure.
Leer en español. Marcando la Diferencia está disponible en español. Lea los artículos en nuestro sitio web.
Listen. With our commitment to accessibility, each article has its own audio track for you to follow along with the story. Accessible audio is available on the sidebar of each article, and the entire playlist is on Spotify. And our PinPoint podcast is also included and can be found on Spotify, Apple, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Watch. The magazine features video stories that allow you to meet the people behind the story.
Subscribe. Sign up to receive Making a Difference magazine digitally by clicking the link below.
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We hope you enjoy reading Making a Difference and welcome your comments and suggestions in writing by email with the subject line "Letter-to-the-Editor" to .