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GCDD Advocacy Days at the Capitol

Each year the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) hosts GCDD Advocacy Days at the Capitol during the legislative session. This creates the opportunity for GCDD, self-advocates, and our Developmental Disabilities (DD) Network partners across Georgia to go to the Georgia State Capitol to be actively involved in the legislative session by advocating for topics that are important to the DD community.

The GCDD Advocacy Days take place over a two-day period for each issue being addressed. One day is to educate advocates about the issue and how they can advocate to their legislators about their story and views. The second day is in-person at the Georgia State Capitol where many advocates speak directly with their legislators.

Advocacy Days at the Capitol support GCDD’s overall mission to bring about social and policy changes that promote opportunities for persons with DD and their families to live, learn, work, play and worship in Georgia communities.