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Legislative Priorities

The mission of the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) is to bring about social and policy changes that promote opportunities for persons with developmental disabilities and their families to live, learn, work, play and worship in Georgia communities.

To be most effective in our advocacy, GCDD leads on several priority areas during each legislative session, while also supporting our partner organizations in their efforts. The following 2024 Policy Agenda is based on public input, and in support of our new Five Year Strategic Plan:

GCDD 2024 Public Policy Priorities

  • Fully fund IPSE scholarships and make sure that all Georgians with I/DD have the opportunity to attend college.

  • Fully fund the Direct Support Professional rate study which would come out to 107 million and also support 2,400 waivers which is about 65 million waivers.

  • Support the bill to fully end 14c Certificates in Georgia to make sure Georgians with disabilities are being paid a fair and livable wage.

GCDD Public Policy Vision: Disability in ALL Policy

GCDD promotes public policies that aim to advance the well-being of all Georgians with intellectual/developmental disabilities, their families, and all who love them, by supporting and advancing policies that create and maintain true community inclusion, such as:


GCDD supports policy solutions that provide the infrastructure and funding necessary to address the shortage of accessible, affordable housing options for people with developmental disabilities.

Health & Wellness

We are committed to advancing sound policies that improve the overall health (physical, mental, emotional, and sexual) of people with developmental disabilities and their loved ones.


Reliable transportation options are critical to ensure people with developmental disabilities are truly included in all aspects of communities. GCDD supports policies that improve current transportation options.


Inclusive education policies, starting with early childcare settings and continuing through postsecondary education, are necessary to assist Georgians with developmental disabilities in reaching their full potential.


GCDD supports Georgia's vision for a public system that funds employment supports first. We will work to advance policies that improve competitive, integrated employment options for Georgians with developmental disabilities.

State Budget

We believe Georgia's budget highlights our state's priorities, and GCDD strives to educate lawmakers on the importance of maintaining/increasing budget line items that impact Georgians with developmental disabilities.

Download the GCDD Public Policy Vision here.

To learn how to become a grassroots advocate, click here.

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