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Include College Corner

Advocacy Day at the State Capitol Brings IPSE Students to the Spotlight

On January 24, 2024, the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) hosted its annual Inclusive Post-Secondary Education (IPSE) Advocacy Day at the Georgia State Capitol. The event serves as an opportunity for students with intellectual disabilities (ID) to advocate to the General Assembly for state-supported funding for IPSE programs. There are nine active IPSE programs in Georgia, with an additional program opening in Rome, GA at Berry College. IPSE supports individuals with ID in obtaining a post-secondary education and serves as a means for individuals with ID to learn and de...

EAGLE Academy Allows Students with Intellectual Disabilities to Soar

The 2003 EAGLE Academy students and peer mentors at Georgia Southern University “I always told my parents I want an actual normal college life,” said Hannah White, a first-year student at the EAGLE Academy of Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, Georgia. “I want to get the actual experience of interacting with other people and making friends and stuff like that,” she added.  Thanks to the EAGLE Academy, White is getting just that — a normal college life.  The EAGLE Academy is a two-year program within Georgia Southern University that provides individuals with intelle...

El Día de la Abogacía en el Capitolio del Estado pone a los estudiantes de IPSE en el centro de atención

El 24 de enero de 2024, el Consejo de Georgia sobre Discapacidades de Desarrollo (GCDD, por sus siglas en inglés) organizó su Día de Defensa de la Educación Post secundaria Inclusiva (IPSE, por sus siglas en inglés) anual en el Capitolio del Estado de Georgia. El evento sirve como una oportunidad para que los estudiantes con discapacidades intelectuales (ID) aboguen ante la Asamblea General por fondos respaldados por el estado para los programas de IPSE. Hay nueve programas activos de IPSE en Georgia, con un programa adicional que se abre en Rome, GA en Berry College. IPSE apoya a las pers...

El programa de Georgia Tech prepara a los estudiantes para SOBRESALIR en el trabajo

Navegar por el mundo laboral después de la universidad puede ser muy intimidante, y para las personas con discapacidades intelectuales (DI). Un programa de educación postsecundaria inclusiva (IPSE, por sus siglas en inglés) en el Instituto de Tecnología de Georgia se esfuerza por proporcionar a los estudiantes una educación fundamental que los equipe con las habilidades necesarias para tener éxito en sus vidas académicas, profesionales y personales. El programa EXCEL de Georgia Tech se fundó en 2015. Su objetivo principal: "Ampliar las oportunidades profesionales, educativas y de liderazgo...

Georgia Tech Program Prepares Students to EXCEL at Work

Navigating the world of employment after school is often daunting, and for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), this is particularly true. An inclusive post-secondary education (IPSE) program at Georgia Institute of Technology is striving to provide students with a foundational education that equips them with the necessary skills to succeed in their academic, professional, and personal lives. The EXCEL program at Georgia Tech was founded in 2015. Its primary goal: “Expanding Career, Education, and Leadership Opportunities for Students with Intellectual and D...

Higher Education an Easy CHOICE for Students with Disabilities

  Theresa Davis with CHOICE graduatesDavis is the program director of Creating Higher Education Opportunities to Increase College Experiences (CHOICE), an inclusive certification program for students with intellectual disabilities (ID) pursuing their next steps. Nestled in Swainsboro, Georgia, East Georgia State College has been a two-year, broad-access institution, meaning it makes college education accessible to most students. Today, the college has over 3,000 students, two additional campus locations and a new student center. This expansion includes CHOICE. It started in 2015 wit...

Meeting GOALS of Students with Intellectual Disabilities

In addition, he works in University Mail Center, earning an income while being part of a team. His supervisor notes that Harkins is ready to work when he enters the Center.  Harkins is a student at Columbus State University’s (CSU) GOALS program. “GOALS stands for Guidance and Opportunities for Academic and Leadership Success, and I think that really nails what we're all about,” says Dr. Gregory Blalock, associate professor of special education in the College of Education and Health Professions. Blalock started GOALS in 2008. As an inclusive post-secondary education program, or IPSE...
