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Self-Advocate Spotlight

Georgia Self-Advocates - How We Contribute

Self-advocates across Georgia work and contribute to their communities as individual citizens and as members of the growing self-advocacy network, Uniting for Change. When we focus on how everyone has something to contribute, we find ways for people to find and share their gifts and talents.  Everyone has something to offer and can contribute when given the opportunity and/or provided with the supports needed. The many ways we contribute to our jobs, our neighborhoods, with our friends and families, and around our communities must be recognized and celebrated.  In this article y...

Los autodefensores hablan en el Capitolio durante los Días de Abogacía Legislativa de GCDD

El Consejo de Georgia sobre Discapacidades de Desarrollo (GCDD, por sus siglas en inglés) organizó sus Días de Defensa anuales en el Capitolio durante la sesión legislativa de 2024, que comenzó en enero. Utilizando el poder de los autodefensores de Unidos por el Cambio, GCDD pudo educar e informar a los legisladores sobre los problemas que afectan a la comunidad de discapacidades de desarrollo (DD) en todo Georgia. GCDD organiza tres Días de Defensa separados cada año durante la sesión legislativa de Georgia, el Día de IPSE, el Día de Exenciones y Salarios, y el Día del Empleo. El Día del ...

Self-Advocates Speak at the Capitol During GCDD’s Legislative Advocacy Days

The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) hosted its annual Advocacy Days at the Capitol during the 2024 legislative session, which began in January. Using the power of self-advocates from Uniting for Change, GCDD was able to educate and inform lawmakers on issues affecting the developmental disability (DD) community throughout Georgia.  GCDD hosts three separate Advocacy Days each year during the Georgia legislative session, IPSE Day, Waivers and Wages Day, and Employment Day. IPSE Day focuses on advocating to increase funds for IPSE grants. Waivers and wages day addre...

The Foundation of Advocacy

Charlie Miller, GCDD Legislative Advocacy DirectoDuring this year’s session, we had some wins with getting an additional 500 waivers added to the Georgia state budget and we also are dealing with specific “disregard language” around Georgia’s Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) rate study. Disregarding language means Georgia cannot continue the process of increasing the rate. This was a critical need for DSPs. Currently, some DSPs get paid as low as $9.00 an hour to help people who have disabilities be out in the community. This rate study would have brought it up to $15.18 an hour. This ...

Unidos por el Cambio se prepara para abogar por el cambio en 2024

En noviembre, Unidos por el Cambio llevó a cabo un retiro del Colectivo de Liderazgo Estatal y de Área en Macon al que asistieron 80 personas. Durante este retiro, establecimos prioridades para 2024 dentro de cada grupo de trabajo de las cuatro Redes de Área Local, y como el Colectivo de Liderazgo Estatal. Decidimos que nos centraremos en la promoción legislativa en cada uno de nuestros tres grupos de trabajo: Impacto y Compromiso, Educación y Divulgación/Relaciones Públicas. Como parte de este retiro, Unidos por el Cambio escribió y envió una carta a todos nuestros legisladores estatales,...

Uniting for Change – How and Why We Advocate

  Marian Jackson speaks at Advocacy Days on February 16, 2023I also helped to advocate for the closing of the institutions in Georgia. I am a public speaker and I am proud to be a part of Uniting For Change. I have been a part of the leadership collective since the beginning, helping create the group's mission, vision, and guiding principles. Today, I would like to discuss the relationships with people that receive supports and their allies/supporters and Direct Support Professionals (DSPs). Many times, people with disabilities are lonely and isolated. The DSPs come and help people w...

Uniting for Change Prepares to Advocate for Change in 2024

In November, Uniting for Change held a State and Area Leadership Collective retreat in Macon with 80 people attending. During this retreat, we set priorities for 2024 within each workgroup of the four Local Area Networks, and as the Statewide Leadership Collective. We decided that we will focus on legislative advocacy in each of our three workgroups: Impact and Engagement, Education, and Outreach/Public Relations.  As a part of this retreat, Uniting for Change wrote and sent a letter to all of our state legislators, sharing our legislative priorities for 2024 and a...
