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Join the #Vax4Me Campaign!

Vax4MeThe Georgia Developmental Disabilities Network (GDDN) wants to share stories of individuals who received the COVID-19 vaccination to raise awareness of the vaccine and how it protects your loved ones and community from the spread of the Coronavirus.

The Georgia DD Network invites you to participate in the #Vax4Me campaign! At the moment, Georgians under the age of 12 are not eligible for the COVID-19 vaccination and rely on those who are able to get the vaccine to keep them as safe as possible during this global pandemic. In addition, Georgians with complex health conditions are also unable to receive the vaccine and are safer when those around them have been vaccinated. GDDN is inviting families and other individuals who have been vaccinated not only for their health, but for those around them, to share their stories through video of why they decided to get vaccinated and/or who they got the vaccine for. 

Please answer the following questions on video and send submissions to: 

  1. What is your name?
  2. What city do you live in?
  3. Why did you decide to get the COVID-19 vaccine?
  4. How does your vaccine protect your family/loved ones?

If you cannot receive the vaccine due to health conditions or age eligibility and would like to participate, you can share your appreciation to those in your life who have received the vaccine.

Participants who share their video will be featured on GCDD's social media pages. Thank you for participating. Let's keep all of Georgia safe! #Vax4Me