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Take Your Legislator to Work Day (TYLTWD)

Take Your Legislature to Work Day 2017

Please note that this Intiative took place annually from 2015 - 2018.

Take Your Legislator to Work Day (TYLTWD), hosted by Employment First Georgia (EFG) and supported by the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) was an exercise to bring together legislators with people with developmental disabilities and employers who are supporting this effort in their districts. Georgia’s TYLTWD kicked off in October 2015 to commemorate National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). The objective of this campaign is to raise awareness about the benefits of hiring individuals with disabilities and the belief that employment and successful careers should be the expected and preferred outcomes of all publicly funded services for individuals with disabilities, i.e., Employment First. The goal of Take Your Legislator to Work Day is to ask employees with disabilities to invite their legislators to visit their workplace to demonstrate first-hand the power of community-integrated employment for people with disabilities by showcasing their skills and talents in a work environment. Click on the following articles to read about past TYLTWDs: